List of Useful Search Engine Optimization Tools
Here are the site list/online tools which are most useful to your SEO journey.
For Checking Meta Tags
For Checking Duplicate Content
For Deep Analysis of website
For Checking Web page download speed
For checking Link Popularity
For Page Rank Analysis
For Searching Blogs/Blog search engines
For Creating Site-map
General Search Engine Optimization Tools
For creating Thumbnails of website
For Checking Search Engine Rankings
For Keyword Analysis
For Keyword Generation
For Checking Server Responses\Redirect
For Knowing Blog Statistics
How to Fix scratched CD's with Toothpaste
If you've ever owned a CD or DVD, you've certainly had to deal with scratched up, unreadable media. Hardware Secrets has a simple solution:
A scratched CD can be recovered by polishing its plastic surface. If, after carrying out the above cleansing, the CD persists in giving reading errors, just polish the CD with toothpaste. That's right, toothpaste. It works wonders, and you won't spend a fortune buying professional cleaning kits.
Having learned this trick in college, I can vouch for it. Don't expect to recover your most damaged CDs, but you certainly can work a little magic. Anyone else have any good CD repair tips that work for them? Let us know in the comments or at tips at
A scratched CD can be recovered by polishing its plastic surface. If, after carrying out the above cleansing, the CD persists in giving reading errors, just polish the CD with toothpaste. That's right, toothpaste. It works wonders, and you won't spend a fortune buying professional cleaning kits.
Having learned this trick in college, I can vouch for it. Don't expect to recover your most damaged CDs, but you certainly can work a little magic. Anyone else have any good CD repair tips that work for them? Let us know in the comments or at tips at
How to Make Money with Google Knol using Adsense

Get Started:
To start making money, you need to create a knol. To do this you will need to sign in with your Gmail account or create a new one. Then you will need to register with adsense, which is google's ads publishing program. Now, once you have published a knol and adsense ads are enabled, relevant ads will appear next to your articles. When people read your articles and click on your ads, you will get paid for each click.
How much Money can I make?
It all depends on how many times your ads are clicked and what the topic of your article is. For example, if your article is about health insurance you'll get more money per click than an article about free wallpapers. So start writing articles about different topics, to see which can earn you the most money.
Free Traffic
If you take advantage of your articles, you'll find it possible to link to your own website or blog. Which can easily give you lots of quality traffic to your site.
Search Engine Optimization is not an easy thing, and there is no guarantee that your efforts will bring a good result. I’m a beginner in this blogging world, but I think God helps me to understand about this stuff.
Before you start the whole process, I just want you to know that as a beginner you will need a lot of luck to win the competition. But the most important to make you win the competition is the knowledge. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is a combination of a lot activity. One single mistake can make the whole process worthless.
So, I’ll explain the whole process step by step.
#1 Step…Preparation
Consider it that you don’t have any blog, and you’re going to create your first blog. The first activity to be done is to choose your blog’s theme. What topic you are going to write in your blog? For example your topic is Home Based Business
Next activity is to create your blog in Make sure you use a template that has a left position main area. It means your article will be shown on the left side and the gadgets on the right side. Why? It’s because the spider crawls from the top-left side to the bottom-right side. Make sure the spider find your article before your gadgets? Why??? It’s all about your keywords.
Next,….create your article. Each time you want to create an article, you must do some keywords research. For example, your article will talk about Affiliate Program. Open the GOOGLE EXTERNAL KEYWORDS TOOL. Type AFFILIATE PROGRAM in the keywords box. Enter the anti-spam code and click on GET KEYWORDS SUGGESTION button. Wait for the result, you will see a list of keywords with their data. Try to choose a low competition keywords. You can find a keywords with nearly empty competition bar. But, make sure you choose a keywords that has a good search volume. Now, write your article and spread the keywords in your article. You don’t need to repeat the keywords more than four times, but make sure that your article’s title contains the keyword.
OK, you already have your first blog
#2 Step…On-Page Optimization
Now it’s time to optimize your webpage. It’s needed to make the spider feels happy when it visits your blog. We give the information that spider needs to classify your blog in its index.
Put the title and meta tag in your blog’s HTML. How to put the meta tag and title tag? Just read my META TAG AND TITLE TAG article. It is very important factor in search engine optimization…
Make sure that your blog’s title and your article’s title contain the keywords
It’s good to use label for your article. You can add labels on your article when you create the article. Make sure that the label contains your keywords.
If you want to create another article that is not related to your blog topic. It’s better for you to create another blog. Remember, one Google Account can be used to create many blogs. Just click on create blog link on the top right side of your dashboard. If you try to blend another topic in to your blog, It will hurt the relevancy of your blog to its basic pattern. Since I joined a paid review program, I try my best to keep my blog on its basic form.
Put the keywords in your Widget’s Title and if you use image, please use ALT attribute in its HTML. The ALT attribute must contains the keywords.
So, if you do this, The spider will love your blog and can find the main color of your blog easily.
Even if your blog is beautiful as miss universe, it will bring nothing if spider can’t find it. Do you know what I mean? So the last process is to make the spider can easily find your blog.
Do you ever think, why we named the robot as spider? Coz it crawl from a website to other website. It can’t arrive to a website if there is no web connects the website. The web connection is the link on the other webpage. So, we are going to build a lot of links that directed to your blog
You can build link by doing some link exchange, or pay for a PPC advertisement, or posting your link in a forum, bookmarks services, and other webpage
Hahahaha….it will need a lot of backlinks to get PR3 above for your blog. You can open a PR 3 above blog and count the number of backlinks. If you can create those backlinks, I guarantee that your PR will be lifted up.
Is that all?…well, I have my last suggestion for you, before your blog listed in Google, you can promote your blog manually by inviting others bloggers to visit your blog.
I did this and one of my four months old blog is being listed in Google first page for 34 keywords…. If you are a new blogger, just enjoy the process coz it will take one month to see some results.
Search Engine Optimization is not an easy thing, and there is no guarantee that your efforts will bring a good result. I’m a beginner in this blogging world, but I think God helps me to understand about this stuff.
Before you start the whole process, I just want you to know that as a beginner you will need a lot of luck to win the competition. But the most important to make you win the competition is the knowledge. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is a combination of a lot activity. One single mistake can make the whole process worthless.
So, I’ll explain the whole process step by step.
#1 Step…Preparation
Consider it that you don’t have any blog, and you’re going to create your first blog. The first activity to be done is to choose your blog’s theme. What topic you are going to write in your blog? For example your topic is Home Based Business
Next activity is to create your blog in Make sure you use a template that has a left position main area. It means your article will be shown on the left side and the gadgets on the right side. Why? It’s because the spider crawls from the top-left side to the bottom-right side. Make sure the spider find your article before your gadgets? Why??? It’s all about your keywords.
Next,….create your article. Each time you want to create an article, you must do some keywords research. For example, your article will talk about Affiliate Program. Open the GOOGLE EXTERNAL KEYWORDS TOOL. Type AFFILIATE PROGRAM in the keywords box. Enter the anti-spam code and click on GET KEYWORDS SUGGESTION button. Wait for the result, you will see a list of keywords with their data. Try to choose a low competition keywords. You can find a keywords with nearly empty competition bar. But, make sure you choose a keywords that has a good search volume. Now, write your article and spread the keywords in your article. You don’t need to repeat the keywords more than four times, but make sure that your article’s title contains the keyword.
OK, you already have your first blog
#2 Step…On-Page Optimization
Now it’s time to optimize your webpage. It’s needed to make the spider feels happy when it visits your blog. We give the information that spider needs to classify your blog in its index.
Put the title and meta tag in your blog’s HTML. How to put the meta tag and title tag? Just read my META TAG AND TITLE TAG article. It is very important factor in search engine optimization…
Make sure that your blog’s title and your article’s title contain the keywords
It’s good to use label for your article. You can add labels on your article when you create the article. Make sure that the label contains your keywords.
If you want to create another article that is not related to your blog topic. It’s better for you to create another blog. Remember, one Google Account can be used to create many blogs. Just click on create blog link on the top right side of your dashboard. If you try to blend another topic in to your blog, It will hurt the relevancy of your blog to its basic pattern. Since I joined a paid review program, I try my best to keep my blog on its basic form.
Put the keywords in your Widget’s Title and if you use image, please use ALT attribute in its HTML. The ALT attribute must contains the keywords.
So, if you do this, The spider will love your blog and can find the main color of your blog easily.
Even if your blog is beautiful as miss universe, it will bring nothing if spider can’t find it. Do you know what I mean? So the last process is to make the spider can easily find your blog.
Do you ever think, why we named the robot as spider? Coz it crawl from a website to other website. It can’t arrive to a website if there is no web connects the website. The web connection is the link on the other webpage. So, we are going to build a lot of links that directed to your blog
You can build link by doing some link exchange, or pay for a PPC advertisement, or posting your link in a forum, bookmarks services, and other webpage
Hahahaha….it will need a lot of backlinks to get PR3 above for your blog. You can open a PR 3 above blog and count the number of backlinks. If you can create those backlinks, I guarantee that your PR will be lifted up.
Is that all?…well, I have my last suggestion for you, before your blog listed in Google, you can promote your blog manually by inviting others bloggers to visit your blog.
I did this and one of my four months old blog is being listed in Google first page for 34 keywords…. If you are a new blogger, just enjoy the process coz it will take one month to see some results.
How to Fix Custom Favicons for Blogger Blogs
Fixing Custom Favicons for Blogger Blogs
Thankfully, there is an easy "fix" for this issue!
Simply locate the line(s) of code you have added to your Blogger template to reference your custom Favicon, and move these just before the closing </head> tag in your template.
The reason this trick works is because the code to reference your custom favicon appears after the lines added by Blogger to reference the Blogger favicon. In all HTML documents, code which appears later in the mark-up takes precedence over any tags which appear earlier (unless of course, statements are attached to make the earlier tags preferential!).
The tern "favicon" is short for "favorite icon", and as such Internet Explorer will only display the favicon of a site if the site is recognized as one of your favorites (ie: if you have bookmarked the site in your browser!).
Some people also report that the favicon will only display when viewing the particular page they have bookmarked, and not the entire site. In this case, you would need to restart your browser for the favicon to appear in the address bar of all pages.
Your internet security settings (both in Internet Explorer and any anti-virus/anti-spyware programs you use) may also affect whether or not favicons will be displayed in IE6.
I hope this post has provided a useful overview of how to fix the link to your custom favicon in your Blogger blog.
Many Blogger users have reported that their custom favicon has suddenly been replaced with the default orange Blogger favicon.
The reason for this is that the 'all-head-content' includable (the content generated for page headers when your blog is viewed in a browser) has been updated to include the following line:
<link href='' rel='icon' type='image/'/>
Thankfully, there is an easy "fix" for this issue!
Simply locate the line(s) of code you have added to your Blogger template to reference your custom Favicon, and move these just before the closing </head> tag in your template.
The reason this trick works is because the code to reference your custom favicon appears after the lines added by Blogger to reference the Blogger favicon. In all HTML documents, code which appears later in the mark-up takes precedence over any tags which appear earlier (unless of course, statements are attached to make the earlier tags preferential!).
Favicons and Internet Explorer
When using Internet Explorer 6, you will only see favicons appear in the address bar if you have bookmarked the site you are viewing.The tern "favicon" is short for "favorite icon", and as such Internet Explorer will only display the favicon of a site if the site is recognized as one of your favorites (ie: if you have bookmarked the site in your browser!).
Some people also report that the favicon will only display when viewing the particular page they have bookmarked, and not the entire site. In this case, you would need to restart your browser for the favicon to appear in the address bar of all pages.
Your internet security settings (both in Internet Explorer and any anti-virus/anti-spyware programs you use) may also affect whether or not favicons will be displayed in IE6.
Were you able to fix your broken favicon?
I hope this post has provided a useful overview of how to fix the link to your custom favicon in your Blogger blog.
Pixel Submission in SEO

Yes today I m talking about Pixel Submission in SEO. Have you heard this before ?
Frankly saying, I dint heard about before this post. So today I decided to search for it. This is what I got.
Pixel Submission in SEO:
There are several special sites which are offering you free or paid pixel submission for your site. That means such sites allocate some pixels of their site to post your website’s ad.
When I Google with the phrase “Free pixel ads”, I got following sites which are offering pixel submission.
How to do Pixel Submission?
(1) Choose pixels (place) where you want to put your websites ad.
(2) Fill required details like URL, Name of the link and Image
(3) That’s It you are done.
However I also try to ask some expert people in SEO about pixel submission in SEO.
One can read here what experts say about pixel Submission Here:
What is Pixel Submission in SEO?
• Some say it will be link farm as whole website page will be full of links (ads) so may be Search Engines won’t like it.
• Some Say it is the technique which was used many years ago when SEO was just emerge but now a days it is not used.
Anyways that’s it for today.
Have a blasting day ahead..
Download Beer Icons for Windows XP Desktop
People Shaping the Way We Look Internet and Technology Today
Top 15 People Who Changed the Internet
These are personalities that pioneered some of the most popular and widely used properties on the web.
The list mostly cited people who owns the top internet companies today which includes:
1. Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google Inc.)
2. Sir Tim Berners-Lee (Created World Wide Web)
3. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
4. Shawn Fanning (Napster, Rupture)
5. Kevin Rose (Digg, Revision3, Pownce)
6. Matt Mullenweg (WordPress, Automattic)
7. Bram Cohen (BitTorrent)
8. Pierre Omidyar (eBay, Omidyar Networks)
9. Mike Morhaime (Blizzard Entertainment – World of Warcraft)
10. Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia)
11. Craig Newmark (Craigslist)
12. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen (YouTube)
13. David Filo and Jerry Yang (Yahoo! Inc)
14. Jack Ma (Alibaba)
15. Jeff Preston Bezos (Amazon)
While I do not completely agree with the top 15 in the list, I think several other people deserve a spot in there:
Bill Gates (Microsoft) – mainly because of Internet Explorer. Let’s admit it, if it were not for the IE browser, we would still be paying for Netscape Navigator until today.
Steve Jobs (Apple) – though Apple is mostly a software/hardware company, iTunes proved that selling digital music online can be bigger than CD singles.
Jarkko Oikarinen (IRC) – he invented the Internet Relay Chat Protocol, a service that’s basically a Web 1.0 epitome of MySpace/Friendster/Facebook + Napster in the 90s.
Who else do you think deserves to be in the list?
These are personalities that pioneered some of the most popular and widely used properties on the web.
The list mostly cited people who owns the top internet companies today which includes:
1. Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google Inc.)
2. Sir Tim Berners-Lee (Created World Wide Web)
3. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
4. Shawn Fanning (Napster, Rupture)
5. Kevin Rose (Digg, Revision3, Pownce)
6. Matt Mullenweg (WordPress, Automattic)
7. Bram Cohen (BitTorrent)
8. Pierre Omidyar (eBay, Omidyar Networks)
9. Mike Morhaime (Blizzard Entertainment – World of Warcraft)
10. Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia)
11. Craig Newmark (Craigslist)
12. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen (YouTube)
13. David Filo and Jerry Yang (Yahoo! Inc)
14. Jack Ma (Alibaba)
15. Jeff Preston Bezos (Amazon)
While I do not completely agree with the top 15 in the list, I think several other people deserve a spot in there:
Bill Gates (Microsoft) – mainly because of Internet Explorer. Let’s admit it, if it were not for the IE browser, we would still be paying for Netscape Navigator until today.
Steve Jobs (Apple) – though Apple is mostly a software/hardware company, iTunes proved that selling digital music online can be bigger than CD singles.
Jarkko Oikarinen (IRC) – he invented the Internet Relay Chat Protocol, a service that’s basically a Web 1.0 epitome of MySpace/Friendster/Facebook + Napster in the 90s.
Who else do you think deserves to be in the list?
Keyword Research Strategy - How to Research Your Keyword Using Tools
How to Research Your Keyword Context
Keyword research posts are numerous, however it is seldom brought to attention that it is not enough to just determine keyword phrases that people use to search for your topic. What else should be researched is your core term environment. What do I mean by that?
Words cannot be viewed in isolation. Words are only single units that build sentences and phrases. By looking at word units and phrases in isolation, we miss a huge part of the whole picture. How can keyword context be helpful?
*Explore neighboring terms (get a deeper understanding of the niche);
*Make your writing richer and more varied (and thus end up targeting more words);
*See the words in live context (create timely content that will be interesting to people, “speak the language of your audience”).
Let’s have a look at a few tools you can use to figure your core term context.
Research the SERPs context:
SenSebot offers a semantic analysis of Google SERP and creates a summary of it as well as its tag cloud. It also works for Google news.
Search Cloudlet is a FireFox addon that extracts words from search snippets and creates a tag cloud containing most frequent terms on each SERP. With it you will be able to see most common words that neighbor your search term in search results. If you set Google to return 100 results per page, you’ll give the tool more data to analyze and thus get more accurate tag cloud.
Urban dictionary is another user-generated site where you can find related tags for any term. It is especially useful if you need to research relaxed, slang environment.
Google sets tool lists related terms for the set of words you provide. It is essential to keep in mind what is meant by “related” here. Google sets’ technology is primarily about analyzing web lists: words that often appear within or tags or in comma-separated lists should be related. This can be applied to countries or colors, for example.
Naturally, each further word in the set influences the results returned (thus, red / green (colors) and red / green / spring (nature, seasons, joy) sets are completely different).
You can also use Twitter-based search tools - my favorite one is TwitScoop. It shows recent discussions and also graphically represents the term popularity:
Keyword research posts are numerous, however it is seldom brought to attention that it is not enough to just determine keyword phrases that people use to search for your topic. What else should be researched is your core term environment. What do I mean by that?
Words cannot be viewed in isolation. Words are only single units that build sentences and phrases. By looking at word units and phrases in isolation, we miss a huge part of the whole picture. How can keyword context be helpful?
*Explore neighboring terms (get a deeper understanding of the niche);
*Make your writing richer and more varied (and thus end up targeting more words);
*See the words in live context (create timely content that will be interesting to people, “speak the language of your audience”).
Let’s have a look at a few tools you can use to figure your core term context.
Research the SERPs context:
SenSebot offers a semantic analysis of Google SERP and creates a summary of it as well as its tag cloud. It also works for Google news.
Search Cloudlet is a FireFox addon that extracts words from search snippets and creates a tag cloud containing most frequent terms on each SERP. With it you will be able to see most common words that neighbor your search term in search results. If you set Google to return 100 results per page, you’ll give the tool more data to analyze and thus get more accurate tag cloud.
Urban dictionary is another user-generated site where you can find related tags for any term. It is especially useful if you need to research relaxed, slang environment.
Google sets tool lists related terms for the set of words you provide. It is essential to keep in mind what is meant by “related” here. Google sets’ technology is primarily about analyzing web lists: words that often appear within or tags or in comma-separated lists should be related. This can be applied to countries or colors, for example.
Naturally, each further word in the set influences the results returned (thus, red / green (colors) and red / green / spring (nature, seasons, joy) sets are completely different).
You can also use Twitter-based search tools - my favorite one is TwitScoop. It shows recent discussions and also graphically represents the term popularity:
How to SEO Videos – Tips and Tactics for Optimizing Online Videos
Video Marketing Tactics- Video Search Engine Optimization
Best 10 Tactics for Video Optimization:
1. Use the Keyword in the Title. Make the Title sound interesting.
2. Write approx 2 paragraphs of text for the Description.
3. Tag each video with keywords.
4. Choose proper category for each video.
5. It’s best to put a hyperlink to the target page within the Description, but before the user needs to click (more info) to see the hyperlink.
6. Upload all videos to multiple video sites (Youtube, Viddler, etc)
7. Comments help by showing interest, and by additional user-generated content (more words on the page).
8. Video responses show interest/activity.
9. Rating. Try to get as many 5 star ratings as you can
10. Views, views, and more views.
Treat the video as you would any other webpage, and begin a Link building optimization to increase the amount of Inbound links. Ideally, your objective is to increase Link popularity and Link relevancy. While building links for your off-site optimization, try to mix up textlinks and the number of Embeds. All these are Video Ranking Factors.
Good luck!!
Best 10 Tactics for Video Optimization:
1. Use the Keyword in the Title. Make the Title sound interesting.
2. Write approx 2 paragraphs of text for the Description.
3. Tag each video with keywords.
4. Choose proper category for each video.
5. It’s best to put a hyperlink to the target page within the Description, but before the user needs to click (more info) to see the hyperlink.
6. Upload all videos to multiple video sites (Youtube, Viddler, etc)
7. Comments help by showing interest, and by additional user-generated content (more words on the page).
8. Video responses show interest/activity.
9. Rating. Try to get as many 5 star ratings as you can
10. Views, views, and more views.
Treat the video as you would any other webpage, and begin a Link building optimization to increase the amount of Inbound links. Ideally, your objective is to increase Link popularity and Link relevancy. While building links for your off-site optimization, try to mix up textlinks and the number of Embeds. All these are Video Ranking Factors.
Good luck!!
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