Fastest and Free Method to Download Music for Music lovers

Ever tried to search for your favorite song? When you search for your favorite music, it is much harder to find. Even if you find it it's much harder to find the free download link. And finally, even if you got the download link, its either broken or slow downloading link.

 Today I have something handy website for you to download free music. Its much faster to search your music, shows results immediately, Gives the direct links of songs, and BEST of all, you can listen right away before you download it! is the site that takes mp3 searching to the generation next.

It makes mp3 searching extremely fast and easy.

This is a worth site to share to all music lovers.


All you have to do is to put in the song's name (it would be better if you include the artist's name also for accurate results) and hit Search Music button. And on the very next page it shows all the "Direct links" of the song you searched for.

At an amazing searching speed it shows almost all the direct links of the song from nearly all mp3 sites out there!


You not only can download the song, but listen it online while downloading or before you save it.

You can Send the link to your friends via email or even share it on social bookmarking sites. But remember, sharing doesn't allow you to share the song's direct link, instead it sends the page's link.

And one little helpful feature of this site is that, you can add search capabilities to your browser toolbar.

Just click the respective buttons, in the bottom of the home page (encircled in first screenshot above) for your browser.

If you are using Google Toolbar, then you can add dilandau search button.

Download Dilandau Search Module


Searching directly from your toolbar is more convenient, that's why this toolbar module for searching is most prefered.


Hope this post was useful for all the music lovers.

Search the profile/people using their Email Address

Ever wanted to know more about the person you are chatting with? Beware, internet is not being safe now a days. You must know the background of that person before being familiar with them. You must never share your personal information to them. Not only to them, but also to the web site forms.

Never fill up the form randomly without knowing about the website. If you want your email address to be private then you must be aware about sharing your personal information like your home address, telephone number, etc.

Why? Because, not only Google but everyone is watching you. Google is the best method to search everything about your email address and username. But If you really want to know about ther person's email address then I have a good website for you.

I am talking about,

The snapshot above defines it all. You can search his/her phone number, username, Email, Name, etc.

So if ever chatting or communicating with anonymous person then better use this people search engine before you get yourself in trouble.

Top Mistakes that Bloggers Tend to Make Over and Over Again

There are some usability mistakes that bloggers tend to make over and over again. We will list them here, so that you can use it as a checklist.

1. No search box : Internet users resort to the search box whenever they need to find something specific. Some people even use search to navigate around websites. If you don't have a (visible) search box on your site, those users will get very frustrated.

2. No archives : It is essential to have a page where the visitor can browser through all your posts. Apart from improving the user experience, this page will also be healthy for your search engine optimization, as it works as a sitemap.

3. No contact page : It is very annoying for visitors if they have something to tell you and can't find a way to get in touch. Secondly, you risk losing valuable feedback if that is the case.

4. Complex navigation : Try to make your navigation structure as simple as possible. This involves using a main navigation bar, having a link back to the homepage on all internal pages, avoiding drop-down menus and so on.

5. Bad typography : If people can't read your content comfortably they will just head somewhere else. Make sure that your font is big enough, that the letter and line spacing is adequate, that you have enough white space surrounding the content and so on.

6. Invisible links : Hyperlinks are cornerstones of web navigation, and they should always be easily recognizable. Try to make your hyperlinks underlined. If you don't like that, at least make sure that their color stands out and that users won't get confused regarding what is clickable and what is not.

7. Too many ads : Many bloggers tend to assume that in order to make money blogging they need to jam ads all over their sites. This is not true. To make money blogging you need to have quality traffic, and too many ads will reduce your quality traffic over the long term. Start with as few ads as possible, and move your way up consciously, always putting your visitors' experie nce first.

8. Badges, buttons and widgets : This is another very common mistake. Since it is so easy to add badges, buttons and widgets, many bloggers fill their sidebars completely with them. Most of those items, however, won't add much value to your visitors, while cluttering your design and possibly driving traffic away from your site.

Get AdSense high paying ads on your Website

In this article I will try to explain some technics how to acquire AdSense high paying ads to your website. The most important factor is obviously going to be your content. Google’s spiders will check your website about every two weeks. This time may vary as to how regularly you update your content. And try to realize that Google’s spiders can’t read images, flash or anything that is not text.

Keep the title and headlines relevant
The most important factor are your titles and URLs.
Finding the right keywords won’t just make your ads relevant, it will also help you to get the ones that pay the most. You can find many tools on web that can help you determine how much people are prepared to pay for defined keywords. Some of them are,,

Keywords Density
You’ll need the right amount of keywords to get the right ads. How many? You’ll have to experiment. Don’t put it to many, because Google could think you’re trying to spam it. If you find that your ads are missing the point of your website you could try to mention your keywords more often.

Keywords Placement
If you place keywords on particular place on your website you can have some effect on your ads. The best effect on your ads is if you place your keywords directly beneath the ads.

Section Targeting
One of the reasons that your website doesn’t receive relevant ads may be that navigation and other non-content words affect the way Google’s spiders gathers information. The most effective way to ensure spiders read the right keywords is to use Section Targeting. You have to insert some lines of code which will show spiders where to search for your keywords.

<-- google_ad_section_start -->

Section text

<-- google_ad_section_end -->

The section that is between this two lines of code will be more important than the rest of the content. If you want to tell spiders to ignore section of content, just put that content between these two lines.

<-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->

Section text

<-- google_ad_section_end -->

You can use as many sections as you want to target your content, but you can’t use it to highlight single keywords.

Metatags won’t have large affect on your ads. But don’t leave them out. They are use for google to index your page.

Google Ads Preview
If you don’t want to wait for spiders to research your website, which could take some time, you can preview which ads you’ll likely receive here at There is no guarantee you’ll receive these ads but it’s highly probable.

Now you know how you can affect Google’s AdSense ads. And you should use this technics because the result of bad keyword placement and density are public service ads. Google will place them instead normaly or high paying ads if he doesn’t find any relevant ads to give you. The most important thing you should know is that if user clicks on your public service ads, you won’t get paid. If you want to know how to get rid of these kind of ads stay tunned, I will describe how you can get rid of them in one of my next articles.

Google Blogger's new Post Published page

Blogger now gives something different link after you post a new post in your blog.

The new page update features a link direct to your new post that you've just created. Previously it offered direct link to your blog only. This one is pretty simple but useful update by google blog systems.

Types of Bad Link Building : Borrowing, Begging, Bartering, Bribing and Buying

Even though this information has been read by thousands of people, it still hasn't been read [or understood] by enough people.

Do you know? A week doesn't go by without someone asking me whether they should pay a company to build links the wrong way.

So, what's the wrong way?

I guarantee that someone will leave a comment on this post with a link to their website in the body of their comment. Here's an example.

Types of Bad Link Building

This is borrowing links.

Many blogs allow commenters to insert links into the body of their comments. Many don't.

So, these link borrowers also resort to inserting their keywords where their name is supposed to go. I wrote a controversial post about this bad practice previously, "Why Leaving Comments is Not a Link Building Strategy."

Our blog software's spam filter catches many of these comments. Yet not every site has spam filters in place, and many people automate or just cut and paste such comments all over the web. This is borrowing and it is wrong. Doing it might get you a short-term, unsustainable burst in rankings. But these are not high quality links. And won't provide long term advantage.

Then, there's the beggars. They send emails to people they don't know asking for links.

I recently received a really creative e-mail. The person inroduced himself as a big fan of my writing and suggested that "based on reading what I write" I should check out this new social networking site. He wrote about how awesome the site was (without any explanation why). He suggested that I should write about it because everyone else who did it received floods of traffic. He got very offended when I responded that I wasn't interested and that he should be more upfront about his link begging intentions.

Of course, begging comes in many forms. Not all are as creative as this guy. Most people just send emails to webmasters asking them to link to them. While begging is one way to build links, it is ineffective and the fastest way to annoy a webmaster.

I'll link to you, if you link to me. I'll buy your services, if you buy mine. I'll show you mine, if you show me yours.

Aah. How adolescent does that sound? And how much easier do you think you can make it for Google to detect that you didn't earn that link? Google's power is that it detects patterns. This is a pretty easy pattern to detect: "Site B links to Site A. Site A links to Site B."

Of course, bartering or trading links gets more creative by saying, "I'll link to you, if you link to him and I'll link to this other guy if he links to you, etc." There are even networks you can join to facilitate this process.

Participating in these "link building rings" is even riskier than regular bartering. It's believed that Google labels websites into "neighborhoods." There are "bad neighborhoods" that you don't want to live in. By interlinking with websites in a bad neighborhood, Google will think you too are bad.

Many companies try to bribe webmasters and bloggers for links. We'll send you stuff if you link to us. Although harder for Google to detect, this isn't a great practice. In fact, the FTC frowns upon this. I'm not sure whose wrath I'd fear more--the FTC's or Google's. Either way, it is best to not disobey the government.

Several sites and services help you buy text links on other sites that pass SEO credit. There is also a black market in link buying that is much less formal, more secretive and not necessarily that organized. I wouldn't recommend either one.

If you're not too averse to risk taking, this is probably the most effective link building strategy of the Bad B's, because you can control what sites you are getting links from, and analyze these sites to ensure that you are not placing links in bad neighborhoods. You can also place links within relevant content and use anchor text for the keywords you are trying to rank for. But, and it's a big but, it's still risky. Google explicitly states:

However, some SEOs and webmasters engage in the practice of buying and selling links that pass PageRank, disregarding the quality of the links, the sources, and the long-term impact it will have on their sites. Buying or selling links that pass PageRank is in violation of Google's webmaster guidelines and can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results.

Therefore, although it might work, I do not advocate buying links.

In fact, as you might have guessed, we do not advocate borrowing, begging, bartering, bribing or buying links.

If I had to pick a winner in the fight between a surreptitious link builder or Google's algorithms, I'd pick the algorithms. In other words, Google will eventually perfect their detection of who is B'ing links and who is earning them.

I personally know entrepreneurs with websites that were generating tens of thousands of dollars one month and zero the next because of practicing the Bad B's of link building.

Don't do it. The risk isn't worth it. Learn to build links the right way.

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