Why does Google Ranking Results keep changing?

Why does Google keep changing what websites have to do to be ranked #1?

If you think about it, the answer is obvious. In olden times (a few months ago) what you had to do to be ranked near the top of Google for a keyword phrase was getting to be pretty well know.

Just follow a few basic rules about keyword density, put keywords in headlines and in bold text and get a few friends to link to you and your site could show up near the top.

As more and more people learned to do this, Google found that the "most optimized" and NOT the "most relevant" websites were showing up at the top.

If Google couldn't deliver "relevant" information, soon no one would be using them for searches. So Google changed many of the rules.

Google will continue to change the rules to keep people from learning how to make their non-relevant websites show up high in the rankings.

The trick is to learn what works before the masses learn it and then be ready to change first when a technique stops working.

You can never master Google's ranking technique. Forget about it. All you can hope for is to be a little ahead of your competition.

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